Who We Are
We are imperfect followers of Jesus Christ, continually being transformed by God's love and forgiveness. We are striving to build a vibrant, welcoming community which expresses God's love in word and in action. Together we will nurture, be nurtured, and bring help and hope to the world.​
Grace Presbyterian Church is a church with a rich history in the community. On October 1, 2012, we officially opened our doors. A congregation that began as three distinct families of faith, after a year of worshipping together every Sunday evening, it became clear that God was calling us to become one. As we celebrate 12 years of ministry together in the El Paso region, we are continuing to imagine new ways to grow through transformative relationships, generous outpourings of God's love, and deeds of selfless service to others. We focus on seeing Christ in everyone, inviting and accepting all God's people, celebrating diversity, embracing change, and recognizing that actions speak louder than words.