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My Kingdom for a...

A couple of years ago, the Little Giants (my twin boys), decided they wanted a birthday party with knights and castles and other such fun accoutrement. Between cardboard crowns and armor masks, a fake stone wall, some shields, and a treasure hunt throughout the house: we were there. We even had a little sheet to help people find their "knight" name - i.e. pick your favorite color and the month you were born and you are dubbed "Janie the Courageous, keeper of the Dragons."

My favorite part of that party, however, was the cake that the boys designed themselves. This was not one of their favorite movies or tv shows with graphics already in hand. They wanted something completely unique. So they chose a shield covered with stripes in every shade of the rainbow that had a dragon and a unicorn to represent them. Because already they see the world differently than so many of us would ever think to.

I share this story because this weekend we will be talking about the Kingdom of God. And anytime you say the word kingdom, visions of knights and jousts and courtly ladies and thrones come to mind (or maybe that's just me).

But God's Kingdom is different than any the world has ever known. It does not work the way the world does. It does not see with human eyes. It does not look only at our actions (which remain important), but also our hearts. It seeks a world where everyone - every single other human, who are all made in the image of God - everyone finds the flourishing God has always intended for them.

Not exactly how the feudal system was designed.

So, come to worship and learn more about God's Kingdom. Remember whose you are. And that no matter how you were made or how you see the world, God loves you beyond all imagining.


Rev. Janie

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